
Agreement between Oryx Iberia and Las Palmas Port Authority

18 February 2020

Leveraging the Oryx Energies triple certification and particularly the environmental ISO-14001:2015 standard awarded to its operations, Oryx Iberia (OISAU) is the first oil company in the Canary Islands to have reached an agreement with the Port Authority (PA) of Las Palmas to develop and promote environmental best practices.

OISAU had to prepare and submit an extensive and comprehensive application file to demonstrate our compliance with the stringent requirements of the PA, including an audit by an independent company.

OISAU will upgrade in 2020 its terminal water treatment plant to further reduce the hydrocarbon content of the waste water and enhance the oil recovery from its effluents. In addition, better access to the connecting pits in the Nelson Mandela jetty and a clean-up and reuse procedure of the loading and discharge hoses will be implemented.

The agreement will not only benefit OISAU but also the entire community of the Port of Las Palmas and the Canary Islands. It is a reflection of our relentless commitment to safety and the management of environmental risks.

Illustration: Gabriel Castaño (OISAU MD, center) signing the Environmental Best Practices Agreement with the President of the PA of Las Palmas Luis Ibarra (right) and the PA General Manager, Francisco Trujillo (left)

Las Palmas Port press release (in Spanish)