
Oryx is a household name in Benin, where Oryx Energies has been present since 1997.

We provide a full range of products and services, including LPG storage, filling and distribution, wholesale and retail services (including service stations, sales and services to commercial, industrial and marine clients, a reliable supply of high quality lubricants from our state-of-the art facility opened in neighbouring Togo in 2011, and the supply of fuels from our strategic storage terminal in the port of Cotonou.

We also leverage Benin’s strategic position as a commercial hub to serve the energy needs of neighbouring countries, including Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Togo.

More details about Oryx Energies in Benin

Storage terminal:  We own one of the four oil and gas storage terminals in Benin, and by far the busiest, with access to a private deep water jetty that allows large vessels of up to 180 metres and 30,000 MT to berth. We began our presence in the country with the construction of this terminal in the coastal capital of Cotonou. Since this modern facility opened in 1999, it has managed the transit of oil products not only to Benin, but also to customers in surrounding seaborne and landlocked countries, including Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Togo. The terminal enjoys a strong reputation as an efficient and customer-friendly service provider 24 hours a day.

Fuel distribution: We supply a high proportion of the needs (fuel, gasoil, etc.) of industrial, commercial, marine and domestic customers in Benin, thanks to our ability to ensure a reliable quality and supply of products.

LPG: We occupy the leading position on the LPG market in Benin. Our strategy of promoting the use of LPG to replace firewood and kerosene has been developed in the country since 2000, when we launched the distribution of conditioned LPG under the “Minigaz Oryx” concept. This comprises the offering of a set of a 6 kg charged LPG cylinder, together with cooking accessories, at a highly affordable price. The programme has succeeded in making a cheaper, practical and environmentally-friendly energy available to low-income households, helping to combat pollution and deforestation, as well as minimising health and security risks. The programme has gradually been expanded to rural areas of the country.

Today, we have over 900,000 LPG cylinders in the market and enjoy a strong reputation and majority market share. The “Minigaz Oryx” concept has been so successful in Benin that it has extended to our operations in neighbouring Burkina Faso. We supply LPG to the local market and also re-export to Burkina Faso and Togo.

Lubricants: We have been supplying lubricants to the local market since 2003. With the opening of our state-of-the-art lubricants blending factory in neighbouring Togo in 2011 (just 100 km from Cotonou), we have significantly reinforced our market position in Benin. Oryx Energies offers a broad range of high quality lubricants and a reliable supply to a broad cross-section of industrial, commercial, marine and domestic customers.

Retail network: Oryx Energies has a retail network throughout Benin. The first service station was opened in 2004.

Oryx Energies’ products and services are widely recognised and appreciated by customers in Benin, from the industrial client with full on-site services to the private individual end-user.

Fuel sourcing and bunkering: Our trading arm (Addax Energy) ensures the sourcing and supply of refined oil products for our downstream storage and distribution activities as well as for third parties. It benefits from the strategic advantage of a storage terminal ensuring seamless and reliable service to customers, as part of our integrated energy model. Cotonou is also an important element of our logistics, serving Addax Energy bunkering arm and its offshore customers.

Products and services:

  • Fuels
  • LPG
  • Lubricants
  • Retail network
  • Storage
  • Fuel sourcing
Map of Benin

Key facts

Presence since: 1997
56,000 M3 fuel storage capacity
# 1 in LPG
3,240 M3 LPG storage capacity
45 service stations
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